Episode #2 of The Friday Act

Episode #2 of The Friday Act

The stage is set with a backdrop of Sydney's harbour. A ferry moves gently across the water. Jack, wearing a yellow shirt with "mentor" on the back, stands on the deck, looking out at the rising sun.

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Episode #2 of The Friday Act

The 511 Act Play to Change the World

Scene 1: The Ferry Ride

The stage is set with a backdrop of Sydney's harbour. A ferry moves gently across the water. Jack, wearing a yellow shirt with "mentor" on the back, stands on the deck, looking out at the rising sun.

Narrator: Today, we kickstart AIME's first IMAGI-NATION Club of Unlikely Connections—a monumental moment in our journey to reshape the world. Today presented to you through "The Friday Act," a 511-act play where diverse minds are draw together to tackle the greatest challenges of our time.

Jack (reflective): The sun rose 20 years ago on a Friday in May. It had been raining. At 7:25 am, I was riding a ferry to Taronga Zoo across Sydney’s harbour. Grandfather Sun had risen. I could see other young people wearing yellow shirts with “mentor” on the back. We were nervous. We were starting something: we’d invited people we didn’t know, to meet us, kids from the other side of the uni tracks, unlikely connections.

The stage lights highlight other mentors, also in yellow shirts, mingling and looking anxious.

Jack (continuing): On that day, in that moment, I had zero idea what would happen next—whether anyone would show up, whether it would be a breakdown of communication, whether there would be chaos, and the big question: whether what we were doing would change anything at all.

Scene 2: Reflections on Impact

The backdrop shifts to the Taronga Zoo, with a group of mentors and students interacting. Jack steps forward, centre stage.

Jack (inspired): I am profoundly struck by the magnitude of this morning in my life and the life of AIME. I’m struck by the theatre of it—the Friday in May, the sun returning, the unknown. I’m struck by Taronga somehow being a part of the story again for the first time in 18 or so years—with Jane Goodall meeting us there in a few weeks with our systems change residents.

Images of Margaret Mead and Jane Goodall appear on a screen behind Jack.

Jack (quoting): I’m struck by Margaret Mead’s words again: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Jack (passionate): And I’m struck by the fragility and bravery to birth ideas, to birth spaces, to not be sure 100 percent but to go anyway.

Scene 3: Entering IMAGI-NATION

The stage transforms into a vibrant, imaginative world representing IMAGI-NATION. Bright colours and abstract shapes fill the stage.

Jack (enthusiastic): I think it’s really something that we are entering IMAGI-NATION today—there will be bugs, and I hope so deeply you fall in love with the beauty of the world we’ve crafted. It’s been thinking about you all the time, about you and all the other species you share this rock with. It’s been made with love and with the intent to be a safe place for ideas and action on the internet.

Jack (hopeful): And heck, you know—this could just be such a special memory for us all in time. A simple web page, a different destination on the map. We’ve seen what others can do. Now we get our chance.

The backdrop changes to a welcoming scene with a banner that reads "Welcome to IMAGI-NATION Opening Day."

Jack (inviting): Welcome to IMAGI-NATION Opening Day. I can’t wait to see you all there. Thank you for sitting on the ferry with me and Stuart Reeves in the space between.

Scene 4: The Call to Action

The stage shifts to a blend of the real and the imaginative, showing people from various professions.

Narrator: In a world where the economy feels rigged, where the rules seem stacked against the many and in favour of the few, we yearn for transformative change. What if we could rewrite those rules? What if the economy served people, not just profits?

Jack (passionate): IMAGI-NATION is a digital country fuelled by 60,000 years of Indigenous wisdom and the boundless power of imagination. It's a place where relationships matter more than margins, where creativity is the ultimate resource, and where we all have a stake in shaping the future.

Narrator: At the core of IMAGI-NATION is Hoodie Economics, a transformative philosophy advocating that the economy should uplift humanity, not just serve the powerful. It's about recognising the immense wealth of knowledge within every community, the untapped potential of our youth, and the wisdom of the earth itself.

Jack (imagining): Imagine being part of a system where:

  • 1,000 Indigenous Knowledge Labs spark innovation and environmental stewardship worldwide.
  • Young people from marginalised communities rise to leadership, driving change from the ground up.
  • Every person, in every corner of the globe, has a seat at the table and a voice that matters.

Narrator: This isn't just a dream—it's a reality taking shape right now. And we need your thread in the tapestry.

Jack (inviting): Join us in this grand reimagining. Apply for your IMAGI-NATION visa today and stay tuned to "The Friday Act"—a movement that is rewriting the rules of the economy and reweaving the fabric of our world.

Narrator: Whether you are a coder, a teacher, an artist, or an activist, your unique skills are crucial to this mission. Together, we can forge an economy that nurtures the world with care rather than constrains it. Let's reimagine our world, together.

Jack (concluding): Apply for your IMAGI-NATION visa now. Wear the hoodie. Join the movement. Let's reimagine the world, together.

Narrator: With hope and determination.

Curtains close as the audience applauds.

Original artwork by Stephanie Beck

“Been sitting and thinking deeply on this as the sun rose today, this is big this is small and everything in between. We are breathing life into new/ old ceremonies, Love being here with you all 💕”

Happy IMAGI-NATION Day Fam ✨

Stephanie Beck

Vice Chancellor of IMAGI-NATION {University}


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