Professor Hope's page update guide

Some words below to get you inspired as we built out the page.

The world we have inherited sees us on the precipice of irreversible human-led damage to this singular inhabitable planet in the known universe. There are a tonne of factors that have led us here, but one factor underpins them all - the stories we tell about ourselves, and where these stories come from!

We’re forgetting our unique ecological role in this special unique rock with its thin blue wrapper, this shared home of ours with water, with air and with other marvellous creatures that are our kin. This rock with its huge history and the improbability of life ever happening, and this cycle of life where our atoms when alive then move through the air and we as humans go back into the earth. This great rich wonderful cycle that we’ve tipped through an abstraction of value by putting our stories and attention into making economic growth and profits the biggest goals of our nation-states and the world at large.

It’s on our watch that we are letting the fourth estate die and yet we cry out at night at the state of our political affairs. Democracy was founded with the need for an independent media - journalists are our pillar for it all to work. And we’re  letting it die - in one generation - manipulated by giants who want to monetise our eyeballs with sensational stories that divide. We’re replacing the power of journalism with  advertising monsters in our pockets pinging us every single instant so we can’t ever marvel at the basic wonder of life. How then can we find our place back as a custodial species on the planet?

It’s on our watch that we are distracted - we are participating - yes the pull from the advertisers is strong, and yes we are making many unconscious choices: we are choosing to ingest endless fodder, we are making decisions that make us sick, we are feeding sick networks and they are feeding us and the earth is screaming.So we say to you, nah, that’s not the end of the human journey, that’s not all we’ve got. We got each other, we got morals, we got kindness, we got a long story of living in harmony with the planet, we got hope, we got the original promise of the internet still alive and we can imagine and shape the future networks today - no more waiting, we need a new platform, and we need many more that can lead us into the rebirth of the journalist for the 21st Century and beyond, with ethics and purpose at the core. If we still need profits, the profits of this journalist age must be nature-centred, and we have to move beyond human profit to earth profit. Imagine a ‘Netflix Of the Land’ where stories, like us humans, emerge from the land and are rooted in the landscapes we inhabit and tell the story of humans returning back to right relationships - with ourselves, with each other and with the natural world. And so we introduce to you “IMAGI-NATION TV”, a new-old streaming platform, born out of the oldest continuous human culture at the bottom of the world - i.e. Indigenous Australia - reaching out its arms to heal our sick networks, to move us from distraction to action, from profit and pollution to nature-shares and pattern shifting. Not taking anything from you, but give-giving to you, gifting the knowledge needed for us-all, and thus re-awakening the essence of the journalist as the modern-day mentors. This is our chance to fight for the ability to transmit knowledge of the highest order, to sense-make collectively beyond our siloed chambers and to then responsibly pass on the knowledge with depth and inquiry for future generations, with process and procedure, with delineation and drive and with an understanding of the consequences of story.

There will be no ads and no tracking of your behaviours and eyeballs. We don’t want to market to you; our social contract to you is that we’ll try to pass on the deepest knowledge, we’ll strive for practical hope, and search the world for the stories that can allow us as a species to find our role as custodians and unlock economies and systems that centre nature and the health of all that share this rock with us, past, present and future.


Here are some AIME's IMAGI-NATION TV and AIME TV episodes to check out as a simple database as we are building out The Professors, IMAGINE and our TV app.

Learn more about the website page updates and our 'always drafting methodology.
Professor Hope