AIME's Executive Summary


A path to centring Nature

To set the context of AIME & our relational network ‘IMAGI-NATION’, we have followed a design approach of building on the knowledge that is already here (as evident in the image to the left) - Indigenous intelligence and the wisdom of nature which have co-evolved since the origin of humanity on our planet.

A critical briefing to CEOs around the world was released by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in September 2021 (included in the following pages) showcasing the potential value for human kind to transition to nature-centred economies, with one of the many headlines being the $125 trillion valuation of Nature’s contribution to our economies which is yet to be accounted for and properly valued, let alone form the basis for our economic design into the future. AIME provides a bridge for human kind to move from economies that exclude nature to those that centre it - our plan until 2033 is to provide the infrastructure and network to lead with relations to move the monetary resources towards nature and valued on our balance sheets with a cross section of leaders, across races, ages & borders, all striving to centre nature.

But before we look forward, a quick look back (the full background and history is presented on the last page). We have 18+ years of track record in shifting deeply entrenched systems and solving intractable problems by bridging marginalised youth & communities in 52+ countries by valuing their intelligence with people & organisations holding power to create a healthy relational network and an alternative economic framework, independently tested and validated by Harvard, KPMG, several world-leading Universities, systems thinkers & more. Born out of the longest continuous human civilisation on Earth, with 60,000+ years of imagination backing us, AIME is an Indigenous-led global systems-change movement solving the greatest challenges of our times. Created in 2005, AIME has been harnessing the power of mentoring and imagination to address social inequity and the biodiversity crisis by leading the redesign of our mainstream systems  via centring Indigenous Knowledge Systems and intelligence from other marginalised sources and bringing them to the front of the design queue. Understanding the need for changing the systems that underpin everything to truly build a fairer world, we have been building a suite of systemic solutions that integrate wellbeing at all levels for people and planet. We have digitised all this in October 2023 and have launched our most-comprehensive systemic solution, fusing the best of humanity powered by the internet to create a virtual nation called IMAGI-NATION, designed using Indigenous knowledge systems thinking and other marginalised intelligence systems.

Now, we look forward again. Our work on centring nature is happening in three ways, firstly via IMAGI-NATION, the relational network. IMAGI-NATION brings together a cross section of systems-change makers - including leaders in Indigenous knowledge systems, education, governments, corporations, youth and everyday citizens - across continents through unlikely connections, creating opportunities to deepen exchange between those inside and outside of the margins, thus modelling a healthy relational network and economy.

Secondly, in Embassy - the embassy work of AIME is to activate places as deep hubs of IMAGI-NATION and in the process, open up the birds-eye view and activate human imagination to its fullest so we can access the knowledge beyond our current frameworks. There is a huge cognitive rewiring needed for  our current power-holders and mainstream leaders to do if we want a chance to achieve this move to nature and the embassy work allows a ceremony / passageway for movement from today to tomorrow. Thirdly, our Tool creation work allows free, universal access to knowledge that centres and values custodianship, activates imagination and passes on deep wisdom as mentors for humanity to have the necessary intelligence brought in from outside the margins in translation to help us be smart enough collectively to find this path to nature.

Why does our plan end in 2033 you may wonder? To model a healthy regenerative system, and to not fall into the traps of limitless growth, AIME has an intentional death date set for March 2033, after which we cease operations & return our IP back to Nature and the ecosystem around us. This isn't an ending, but a powerful act of regeneration and knowledge transfer for greater systems health.

In order to place the context of this work properly, we have worked with layers — the following pages showcase the original CEO briefing from WEF which we have annotated throughout showcasing the different elements of our work and how they can be useful in centring nature for humanity, our more-than-human kin and our planet.

We hope you enjoy the journey,

The AIME Team

CEO Briefing

This is the briefing from WEF which we have annotated throughout in a dialogic pattern to show the context for AIME’s work and the impact we shall create

Further Context & Background

A relational network for humanity to solve the challenges of our times, built using Indigenous Knowledge Systems and other marginalised intelligence systems


We have 18+ years of track record in shifting deeply entrenched systems and solving intractable problems by bridging marginalised youth & communities in 52+ countries by valuing their intelligence with people &
organisations holding power to create a healthy relational network and an alternative economic framework, independently tested and validated by Harvard, KPMG, several world-leading Universities, systems thinkers & more.


We have digitised all this in October 2023 and have launched our most-comprehensive systemic solution,
fusing the best of humanity powered by the internet to create a virtual nation called IMAGI-NATION, designed using Indigenous knowledge systems thinking. IMAGI-NATION brings together a cross section of systems- change makers - including leaders in Indigenous knowledge systems, education, governments, corporations, youth and everyday citizens - across continents through unlikely connections, creating opportunities to deepen exchange between those inside and outside of the margins, thus modelling a healthy relational network and economy.


The big impact is returning humanity to our custodial relationship with each other and Nature by centring imagination as the critical skill to get us there, using mentoring as the methodology to allow this knowledge to be transferred freely across generations. We will:

  • Model a relational network, connecting us to people and ideas we’ll never likely encounter and change the way the world works by providing a scalable alternative to the current sick social networks of today without their self-serving algorithms.
  • Unearth for humanity the most enduring source of human knowledge on the planet - Indigenous systems thinking, fusing it with the best of modern knowledge systems to support the world’s largest lab of co- design within complex systems.
  • Create an ecosystem of activated stakeholders impacting at least 25 million people (see following point); completing 100+ systems change projects to showcase scalable impact and shifting current unhealthy mainstream systems; lighting up 50+ cities as hubs of IMAGI-NATION; and leaving behind 150+ valuable tools, designed to continue to shape the design of our living systems well into the future.

Economically, the objective of IMAGI-NATION will be to unlock the case studies and breakthrough pathways to the $700B+ deficit in the nature market through the below actions, forging the pathway towards properly valuing the $125 Trillion of ecosystem services Nature provides us, and the priceless value we derive from our healthy relationship with Nature that sustains and nurtures all life on our planet.


Through IMAGI-NATION, the following key stakeholder groups will be activated directly, with each of these
having the potential to impact millions of humans thereafter:

  • 1000 Indigenous Knowledge Systems Labs created and networked as the key decentralised knowledge network across all of Earth’s bio-regions;
  • 1000 young people from marginalised communities establishing custodial economies to return humankind back to Nature as IMAGI-NATION Presidents;
  • 1000 organisations (corporations and governments) becoming JOY Corps to return to healthier patterns for their employees, communities and natural ecosystems;
  • 1000 schools becoming Imagination Labs and working on real-world projects; and
  • 1000 systems change citizens unlocked and networked to solve world problems.

The 5000 key groups identified above will impact at least 25 Million people conservatively, based on Metcalf’s law, which states that the “value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system”.


To counter the current limitless growth mindset & model a healthy regenerative sustainable system, AIME & IMAGI-NATION have an intentional death date set for March 2033, after which we cease operations & return our IP back to Nature and the ecosystem around us.


All of the projected impact and all of our operations will be delivered at a cost of $10M p.a. To fund this work and power IMAGI-NATION, we’re inviting philanthropic contributions of $500k+ p.a. from key systemic funders for the next 8 years to cover the entire network’s impact.

NB: We have raised and invested $150M+ in-currency, and $200M+ in-kind since 2005. We have also confirmed initial seed funding for the technology & network from the Australian Government of $500k, as part of a $13.5M philanthropic investment into our work.


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